The Problem
Like many rural education systems our schools are struggling to improve test scores, encourage more parental involvement, and deal fairly with issues related to discipline. There are ongoing concerns about school safety and providing effective interventions when problems arise. The branch also knows that many students my be limited in their quest for higher education due to family financial hardships.
Jewel Harris (far right), President of the NAACP Barbour County Branch 5075, presented Branch scholarships in the amount of $500 each to these Eufaula High School graduating seniors during Senior Honors Day on May 12, 2023: from left to right: De’Jiah Williams; Hanna Aultman; Catherine Wilbourne; Kaden Ingram. The scholarships were given based on a combination of academic achievement, community involvement, and excellence of essay presentation.
What we are doing
The branch has established effective two way communication with the superintendent, school staff and the school board. We have spoken with the schools and in front of the school board to advocate for students, we have members that regularly attend school board meetings and the superintendent’s advisory groups. Our scholarship committee awards four scholarships annually to graduating seniors.